Ruby and Blocks

One of the most often used and ironically least understood concepts in the Ruby programming language is the block. If you’ve used one of the Enumerable mixed-in objects, you’ve encountered the block syntax.

For example:

array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] # returns all the odd numbers of the array array.delete_if { |e| e.even? }

Or the more common:

array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] # prints out all of the array's elements array.each do |element| puts element end

Ruby blocks also enable a lot of the functional programming DSL such as:

array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] # returns the sum of the squares of each element of the array { |e| e ** 2 }.reduce(:+)

Robert Sosinski has written a really awesome tutorial about ruby blocks and I’m encouraging you to go through it.

All of these however are just skimming over the power of blocks. Sure, they’re good for eye candy – we won’t be able to use such an elegant looping syntax without the use of blocks, but it’s not just another way to loop over a collection!

In fact, blocks (and its related concepts Procs and lambdas) enable a very important programming concept: loose coupling. For instance, suppose you do:

def print_name puts "Hello there. I've got your name:" yield end print_name do puts "Tristan" end

I could just have as easily done this:

def print_name(name) puts "Hello there. I've got your name:" puts name end print_name("Tristan")

Which does exactly the same thing.

Well not exactly, because with the second example, the method explicitly defined that the name be printed out to STDOUT whereas in the first example, I could have done:

print_name do, 'w') {|f| f.write(name) }

Which writes the name into a file. I could have just as easily logged it using Rails.logger, or sent it over a TCP Socket, or save it in a database entry (granted print_name is a bad method name for this purpose, but hey – with great power comes great responsibility).

Rob Sobers had an epiphany that many people seeking to understand blocks have had. As mentioned in Rob’s article, you are an active participant in the method you’re calling. The method is basically doing a cop-out and telling you “hey, I’m gonna do this and this but I’m giving you the option to also do something else while I’m doing that (which I heavily encourage you to do so because you’re actually doing the heavy lifting)”

This allows you to be quite flexible when you’re writing reusable code or libraries, of which you don’t really know (or care) what the client code would do. That’s the case for the Snoopka Gem I wrote, which does the work of connecting to a Kafka stream but defers the processing of the messages to client code.

puts 'Starting the Kafka listener'

listener = host: "localhost", port: 9092

handler =
listener.add_observer 'test', &handler
# or alternatively you can also do
# listener.add_observer 'test' do |message|
#   puts "your handler code here"
#   puts message
# end

loop do

Here is another neat way to use blocks in your code. Have you ever written a migration script or Rakefile and you wanted to know how long it will take at a particular point in time? There’s this gem called ProgressBar that does exactly that. I’ll show you how to make your task so that it will pipe in information to ProgressBar in order for it to display cool stuff.

This code is, by the way, lifted from production code (of course the implementation details have been mocked out; tangentially, the ability to mock things out is one side-effect of good programming design, but that’s a topic for another day):

# tasks/migration.rb
module Tasks
  class Migration
    def self.migrate_all(offset=0,limit=(Tasks::Lead.count - offset))
      Tasks::Lead.offsetted_entries.each do |lead|
        yield lead if block_given?

    def self.migrate_lead(m_lead)
      # mocked response
      # originally copied over the lead from MongoDB to Postgres
# tasks/lead.rb
module Tasks
  class Lead
    def self.count

    def self.offsetted_entries(skip=0, offset=0)
      # mocked response
      # originally returns leads from the database with a particular
      # skip and offset
      return 1..100
# Rakefile
namespace :migrations do
  desc 'migrate entries from old mongodb database to postgresql'
  task :migrate_from_mongodb_to_postgres => :environment do
    progress = ProgressBar.create title: 'Leads',
      total: Tasks::Lead.count,
      :format => '%a |%b>>%i| %p%% %t %c of %C %e'
    Tasks::Migration.migrate_all { progress.increment }


You can also get this code from github.

Blocks are Ruby constructs that provide a very clean and elegant way to provide flexibility to your code. Do you have any other ideas on how to improve your code using blocks?


I presented this topic to the KL Ruby Brigade meetup in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. There have been a few questions after the presentation and I’ll try to address them here:

Q: What’s the difference between a block and a Proc?

A: I think Robert will explain this a lot more comprehensively. In a nutshell: a block and a Proc are conceptually similar but a Proc gives you a handle that allows you to reuse the block later on, whereas a block is similar to an anonymous function in Java or C# (you define them inline and you can’t refer to them again later on).

Q: What’s the difference between the {} syntax and the do...end syntax?

A: This has bitten me and many of my colleagues, and the answer has to do with binding precedence. This Stackoverflow answer can give you more details. In a nutshell, the {} syntax binds strongly; that means without parentheses it will bind to the last parameter (in a multi-parameter method) whereas the do...end syntax will always bind to the invocation.

Further Reading


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